Housing Benefit on Two Homes

Please note, this application is only for claimants receiving Housing Benefit from Anglia Revenues Partnership. Universal Credit claimants must leave a message in their journal and then apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment.

This application will usually be completed in conjunction with a Change of Address Form for benefits.  

When applying for Housing Benefit on Two Homes, you will need to provide the following:

  • Full information on the property you are leaving/have left, which includes:
    • Name and address of the landlord
    • Notice period given
    • Date the rent has been charged until
    • The date you left/intend to leave the property
  • Full information on the new property:
    • Name and address of the landlord
    • Date you moved in
    • Date the tenancy was offered
    • Date the tenancy began
    • The date the tenancy agreement was signed

In addition to this we require the following documents:

  • Tenancy agreement
  • Proof of notice period given to previous landlord if applicable
  • Any supporting evidence of the immediate need to leave the previous property if applicable.

If a Change of Address application has not been completed then additional information must also be provided.  Please see Change of Address Form for benefits for more information.


Last updated: 22/03/2024 11:56:55