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What licensing applications are currently open for representation and how do I make a representation?

Once a valid application is submitted you have 28 days to lodge a representation, the expiry date for representations will be shown on ourpublic notices page, the newspaper notice or public notice on the premises.

Make a representation online

Or representations can be made in writing to:

Licensing Team
Breckland Council
Elizabeth House
Walpole Loke
Norfolk  NR19 1EE

Or by ourlicensing representation form

Representations must be received before the last date for representations as indicated on ourpublic notices page. If you are in doubt as to the date by which representations must be submitted, pleasecontact us using our General Enquiry form.

For a representation to be valid and relevant it must show the impact of the grant of the proposed licensable activities. Representations must relate to one or more of the Licensing Objectives under the Licensing Act 2003:

  • The protection of children from harm
  • Public safety
  • Prevention of crime and disorder
  • Prevention of public nuisance

For further information on making valid representations (including appealing decisions), pleasevisit the Home Office website (opens new window).

Copies of all representations will be forwarded to the applicant. Anonymous representations will not be accepted by the Licensing Authority. Only under exceptional circumstances will the Licensing Authority not disclose any personal details.

Please be aware that if your representation is valid a hearing may be required at Breckland Council.

You will be invited to attend in person to that hearing should the licence application have to be determined by Breckland Council's Licensing Sub-Committee. Your representation will also be included in the papers presented to the Committee and therefore will pass into the public domain. It is therefore possible that details of your representation may be picked up by journalists.

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Last modified on 14 January 2025