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What is a Notification of Interest?

Any person or organisation with a legal interest in a premises may give notice to Breckland Council of their interest, in order to be kept informed of any changes to the Licensing Register in respect of that premises.

A legal interest is defined as:

  • The freeholder or leaseholder of the premises
  • A legal mortgagee in respect of the premises
  • A person in occupation of the premises

In order to give notification to Breckland Council you are required to completethe online Notification of Interest application form, and pay the fee of £21. You are able to pay by debit or credit card.

On receipt of your completed application form the Licensing Team will record your interest in the premises and return the notice to you. You will then be informed of any applications made on the premises in relation to the Licensing Act 2003 (Alcohol and Entertainment). The Notice of Interest is valid for 12 months, after this time if you wish to be kept informed of any applications you can submit a new notice.

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Last modified on 17 May 2024