7. Lists and registers

7.1 Corporate Asset Management Strategy

Our  Corporate Asset Management Strategy 2012-2020 (PDF) [2MB] (opens new window)  is a high-level summary of the council's approach to the strategic management of its land and building assets.

7.2 Register of councillors' financial and other interests

All Members of the council are required by law to register their financial and other interests. The Register is maintained by the Monitoring Officer and is available for inspection by the public, free of charge, during office hours.

Find more information about your councillor (opens new window).

7.3 Register of gifts and hospitality

Councillors and staff are required to record any gifts or hospitality they receive to the council's Monitoring Officer.

View the register of gifts and hospitality (opens new window).

7.4 Licensing and Planning Registers

The council is responsible for issuing and maintaining licences for a wide range of subjects:

7.5 Register of electors

There are two types of electoral register: the full register and the edited register. The registers cannot be accessed electronically.

Learn more about the electoral and open registers.

7.6 CCTV

More information regarding CCTV in Breckland.

7.7 Disclosure logs

The Council maintains a log of all Freedom of Information requests received. A copy of this log is available when requested on a certain topic.

Statutory Information Officer
CIP Team
Breckland District Council
Elizabeth House
Walpole Loke
Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1EE

Email: feedback@breckland-sholland.gov.uk

Last updated: 22/04/2022 13:47:08