Canvass Email & Canvass Forms
Canvass Email
An example of a canvass email sent from the email address. We need a response from this email even if there are no changes to report.
Canvass Forms
Examples of the forms that we could send to you are below.
Canvass Communication A Form for Route 1 Properties - CCA-E
If the elector details are correct on this form you do not need to do anything more.
Canvass Communication B Form for Route 2 Properties - CCB-E
We need a response from this form even if there are no changes to report.
Canvass Forms for Properties with no Registered Electors - CF-B-E
We need a response from this form even if there are no changes to report.
Canvass Forms for Properties with Registered Electors - CF-E
We need a response from this form even if there are no changes to report.
Last modified on 12 November 2024