Infrastructure Funding Statements
The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is an annual report which provides a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to Section 106 Legal Agreements
Local planning authorities are now required to produce an infrastructure funding statement on an annual basis as a result of government guidance. The statement provides a summary of the Section 106 Planning Obligations (also known as Developer Contributions) that the council has secured, received and spent from planning permissions for off-site and on-site infrastructure during the past year.
In summary, the report provides:
- An overview of Section 106 Planning Obligations secured in the monitoring year
- Financial contributions and provisions received under a Section 106 Planning Obligation received by the council in the monitoring period
- Financial contributions that have been spent in the monitoring year
- Financial contributions that have been received under a Section 106 Planning Obligation prior to the monitoring year but are currently unspent
The information included in the report is updated annually
Breckland's Infrastructure Funding Statement (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
The Local Planning Authority has produced an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) annually, since April 2019 and those reports are available below:-
- Breckland's Infrastructure Funding Statement 2019/20 (PDF, 560 KB)(opens new window)
- Breckland's Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020/21 (PDF, 432 KB)(opens new window)
- Breckland's Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021/22 (PDF, 310 KB)(opens new window)
- Breckland's Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23 (PDF, 366 KB)(opens new window)
What is Developer Contribution Data?
Developer contributions include section 106 (s106) planning obligations, the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), section 278 agreements and any agreements that either secure funding towards new development, or provide infrastructure as part of any new development. There are different limitations between the three types of contributions in terms of how the money collected can be spent. CIL funds must be spent on the 'provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure needed to support the development of the area'. Section 106 contributions are required to be spent within the vicinity of, and must be directly related to the development in question. Each s106 agreement is different and will include individual requirements as to how the contributions are spent. Section 278 contributions are spent on any works carried out by the highway authority in relation to the public highway.
Please note that Breckland District Council has not implemented CIL and Section 278 agreements are dealt with by Norfolk County Council.
The CIL Regulations and National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires local planning authorities that have received developer contributions to publish their data on a regular basis, at least once a year, and in an agreed format. Developer contributions data must be entered in three separate CSV (spreadsheet) files:
- Developer agreements: listing all the legal agreements securing contributions from a development for infrastructure or affordable housing (CSV, 45 KB)(opens new window)
- Developer agreement contributions: listing the individual obligations/sums within an agreement, assigned to particular purposes (CSV, 46 KB)(opens new window)
- Developer agreement transactions: listing whether the contribution has been received, allocated, transferred, spent or returned (CSV, 36 KB)(opens new window)
Latest data
The latest data covers the period 1 April 2018 to 14 December 2022. Please be advised there are still large amounts of back data entry required to enable us to report on our historic S106 data in the precise format required by the guidance. The Developer agreement transactions file only show transactions data on S106 agreements where the information is currently available.