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Breckland Health and Wellbeing Partnership

Breckland Health and Wellbeing Partnership Strategy

Our vision is to transform the way in which people access the right opportunities to improve their health and wellbeing. We will do this through collaborative working, building resilient communities and by taking an evidence-based approach to the delivery of our priorities.

The Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System (ICS) launched in July 2022, bringing together partners from local authority, NHS, and wider partners to improve health and care outcomes. The ICS priorities include driving integration, addressing inequalities, prioritising prevention, and enabling resilient communities.

In addition to the ICS, Health and Wellbeing Partnerships (HWP) were launched to work at a place level with a prevention led focus to improving health and aligning priorities. They feed up to the Norfolk and Waveney Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) and Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). Breckland HWP is one of eight within the Norfolk and Waveney ICS and covers the same geographical footprint as the district council.

The Breckland Health and Wellbeing Partnership brings together colleagues from district and county council, as well as health services, wider and local VCSE sector organisations and other partners involved in the improvement to the health and wellbeing of Breckland residents, to make a positive impact to people's lives. The partnership will enhance integrated approaches and collaborative behaviours at every level. It will promote an ethos of partnership and co-production, working with communities and organisations addressing health and wellbeing challenges that no single organisation can address alone.

View our Health and Wellbeing Strategy (PDF, 415 KB)(opens new window)

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Last modified on 23 January 2025