13/05/22: Damaged Dereham play park set for refurbishment

Breckland Council has announced that it will shortly begin refurbishing a playground in Dereham which has been closed for a number of months due to the existing equipment being damaged.
The play park on Sandy Lane was closed last year for safety reasons. Since then, the district and town councils have been in discussions about the park's future.
The vast majority of play parks in the district are owned and run by town and parish councils. Breckland Council offered to pass ownership of this particular park to Dereham Town Council, but the town council hasn't taken up that offer meaning it will remain in the ownership of Breckland Council.
As a result, the district council has said it will now move forward with its own plans to refurbish the park to bring it back in working order as soon as possible.
Cllr Gordon Bambridge, Breckland Council's Executive Member for Waste and Environment, commented: "We'll be refurbishing the play park as soon as possible, so the local children will once again have a great facility to enjoy.
"We recognise that the park being closed has caused some frustration, but it was right to fully explore a possible collaborative approach with the town council. Breckland Council can now move on with the refurbishment of the play equipment and we will be commencing this as soon as possible."