18/08/22: Breckland businesses help support local community garden development

The ongoing refurbishment of the Queen Mother's Garden in Dereham has been further boosted by support from local businesses. Dereham retailers Roy's and the East of England Co-op have sponsored new furniture and horticultural installations, which will help make the garden more accessible for the community and showcase this wonderful walled garden in the heart of Dereham.
As part of Breckland Council's Thriving Places programme, aimed at supporting town centres to thrive and prosper, the district council is working with Dereham Town Council to refurbish the popular walled gardens, set between St Withburga Lane and Dereham High Street. The garden is the only one named after The Queen Mother in the country and was opened by her in 1983.
While inspecting the progress being made during the refurbishment work in the gardens and meeting local business sponsors, Cllr Alison Webb, Executive Member for Health & Communities at Breckland Council, commented: "I am truly delighted to see Roy's and the East of England Co-op supporting such a worthwhile project which will benefit local communities and deliver a place of relaxation for residents and visitors to the town. The refurbishment will ensure the garden will become fully accessible to everyone, including the installation of new benches which have been designed to help those with dementia access them."
Cllr Hugh King, Mayor of Dereham, commented: "The garden has a special place in the heart of everyone in the Dereham, therefore I would sincerely like to thank Roy's and The East of England Co-op for providing financial support to ensure this project is a great success."
The garden refurbishment is expected to be completed in Autumn 2022. If you run a local business in or around Dereham and would like to support the refurbishment project, please contact regeneration@breckland.gov.uk to register your support.