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Breckland Council does not provide a pest control service. We are unable to provide details or recommendations for any pest control companies but would recommend that you always try to get more than one quote. If you are a tenant of a Housing Association, please contact your Housing Officer in the first instance.
We would advise you to visit our webpage where you will find information about how to contact a pest control company and what actions you can take to control small infestations.
Large numbers of rodents, insects and other pests can become a statutory nuisance if they interfere with the comfort and enjoyment of a person's home and occur as a result of a commercial activity.
If you would like us to investigate a statutory nuisance, you can report a nuisance by completing this form and a member of the Environmental Protection and Enforcement team will contact you to discuss the matter further.
There are actions you can take to control a small pest infestation. For larger infestations, professional assistance is generally the best course of action.
If you have already taken the afore-mentioned steps and this has not resolved the issue, please continue completing this form. Please note that the Council can only investigate large numbers of flies it they are coming from a trade or commercial building. We cannot investigate insects from fields, outdoor muck heaps or animals reared outdoors.
Beekeepers are happy to volunteer, advise and arrange for the collection of swarms of honey bees whenever possible.
If you have already taken the aforementioned steps and this has not resolved the issue, please continue completing this form. Please note that the Council can only investigate large numbers of flies it they are coming from a trade or commercial building. We cannot investigate insects from fields, outdoor muck heaps or animals reared outdoors.
Rats are a common problem in both urban and rural areas. They are adaptable, highly mobile and breed rapidly. They can establish themselves wherever there is a supply of food, water and suitable harbourage. They can also travel significant distances; therefore, a rat sighting may not necessarily indicate an infestation at that property. Property owners and occupiers have a legal obligation under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 to keep premises rodent free.
If you have already taken the afore-mentioned actions and this has not resolved the issue, then complete this form and an officer will visit to assess the complaint. We will only investigate serious infestations. Please note that an infestation would be serious if several rats are seen regularly. The sighting of occasional rats over a period of time is not considered a severe infestation.
There are actions you can take to control a small infestation. For larger infestations, professional assistance is generally the best course of action.
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