30/03/23: Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal makes official visit to Thetford temporary accommodation site

The Elm House site in Thetford opened last year following a £1.8m investment by Breckland Council, enabling the district council to provide a high-quality temporary home to people who have been made homeless or who are in need of short-term support while they find a permanent place to live.
The building offers private rooms and living space for up to 35 people at a time, including single adults, couples and families. During her visit yesterday afternoon (29 March), The Princess Royal met with a number of people currently using the service and spoke with staff working there.
Breckland's Chairman, Cllr Nairn commented: "I am delighted to have welcomed The Princess Royal to Thetford and to have had the opportunity to show her first-hand what a difference our district council is making to the lives of some of Breckland's most vulnerable residents."
Maxine O'Mahony, Breckland Council's Chief Executive, added: "It was truly an honour to receive an official royal visit and it was so wonderful to see The Princess Royal taking such time to speak with so many residents about the support they've received and with the staff who are doing such an exceptional job."
CEO of Access Community Trust, Emma Ratzer MBE, also attended the event. "It was a real pleasure to meet The Princess Royal and to tell her all about the care and support our staff are providing to people in need every single day," she said.