20/06/2023: Council fines landlord £40k for putting tenants at risk

A Breckland property landlord has been ordered to pay a total of £40,000 in fines after putting housing tenants at risk.
Breckland Council has taken enforcement action as part of its commitment to driving up the quality of rented housing in the district and to help keep residents safe.
The issue with the Watton property was reported to the council last year, which prompted an inspection by Breckland Council officers. Council staff found a blocked fire escape, damaged fire doors, dangerous electrics and broken and rotten windows, causing them to deem the property unsafe.
The landlord of the property, which was home to multiple tenants, was given time to carry out repairs. However, a follow-up inspection found insufficient progress had been made and, as a result, the council issued a £20,000 fine to the landlord company and £20,000 to the company's director.
The fines have now been paid and will be used to fund further investigations in the district. Work to address the issues in the property has since been completed by the landlord.
Cllr Claire Bowes, Executive Member for Housing and Homelessness, and ward member for Watton, said: "The vast majority of Breckland's landlords provide well-maintained homes for their tenants and the quality of housing overall is very good. However, this case shows that the council will not tolerate a decline in housing quality or for residents to be put at risk and we will take action to protect our residents' right to live in a safe home."
Cllr Keith Gilbert and Cllr Tina Kiddell, also Breckland Council ward members for Watton, added: "We are happy to hear that all outstanding work has now been carried out and the Watton residents affected now have a safe place to live, thanks to the council's actions."
If your landlord has not made essential repairs to your rented home or you are concerned that something in your property is immediately dangerous, you can contact Breckland Council's Housing team via: www.breckland.gov.uk/housing-ps-report-repair-issue.