07/12/2023: New Funding Opportunity for Community Orchards across Breckland

Breckland Council is proud to announce new funding for communities to purchase and plant trees within the district.
The funding, totalling £26,400, has been secured from the Kings Coronation Living Heritage Fund. This initiative, supported by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, aims to reduce the effects of climate change by planting 130,000 trees across England.
Communities across Breckland can apply for grants from £100 to £5,000, to plant community orchards. This will not only help to combat climate change but will also provide local communities with beautiful and sustainable green spaces. Groups can apply for funding to purchase trees, along with stakes and tubes to protect them while they grow.
The Coronation Living Heritage Fund's investment in community orchards and microwoods will see over 100 new sites established across England. These green spaces will help to mitigate the effects of climate change whilst also providing habitats for wildlife, promoting biodiversity.
Cllr Helen Crane, Executive Member for Sustainability commented: "It is great that Breckland will be a part of this initiative and I encourage all communities within the district to take advantage of this wonderful funding opportunity. Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and create beautiful green spaces for our communities to enjoy for years to come."
Applications are open until 5 January 2024, to complete the form visit www.breckland.gov.uk/grants/community-orchards-grant.