Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) Consultation

Breckland Council are consulting on a proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). PSPOs create legal powers to help authorities address specific anti-social behaviour in targeted areas that is having a detrimental effect on the quality of life for those in local community.    

Vehicle nuisance across Breckland

Vehicle related anti-social behaviour and illegal car meets have been on the rise in recent years across the entire Breckland district.  In some areas large scale, unregulated meets are arranged without landowner permission, these can be loud and overwhelming, attract inconsiderate and dangerous driving both at the event and en-route, have huge environmental consequences, such as large amounts of litter discarded at the site and are a huge drain on council and police resources. 

In partnership with Norfolk Constabulary we are proposing to impose conditions across the whole district, as seen below, to address nuisance behaviours often associated with the gathering of vehicles which are having a negative impact on the quality of life and enjoyment of public spaces. This includes aggressive acceleration, racing, performing stunts and noise from horns or amplified music.  

The Proposed restrictions

In line with our neighbouring councils, restrictions on the following activities are proposed;

a.      Driving a motor vehicle at excessive speed

b.      Driving a motor vehicle causing sudden and/or repeated acceleration and deceleration

c.       Racing other motor vehicles or gathering for the purpose of street racing

d.      Performing stunts in or on a motor vehicle (including but not limited to; dough-nutting, handbrake turns, drifting, wheel spinning, burnouts, wheelies)

e.      Repeatedly or continuously and unnecessarily revving the engine of a motor vehicle while stationary

f.       Unnecessarily sounding the horn of a motor vehicle

g.      Playing amplified music from a motor vehicle, which is likely to cause nuisance, alarm and/or distress

h.      Throws down, drops or otherwise deposits litter from a motor vehicle and leaves it

i.       Using threatening/abusive/intimidating language and/or anti-social behaviour associated with vehicle use of a motor vehicle

We want your view

As part of the process Breckland Council are required to undertake public consultation with residents and stakeholders. To register you views, we ask that you complete the short survey below by 27th September 2024.  

Final Reminder

The aim of this order is to address the behaviours that are having a detrimental impact on the local community and ensure safe use of all public car parks, industrial estates and highways in the district. 

It is not:

  • a ban on modified vehicles.
  • targeted at any cohort of person, or spoiling genuine socialising.
  • about tackling speeding.
  • intended to address the issue if abandoned vehicles or illegal or inconsiderate parking
  • prevent legitimate vehicle meets (such as a vintage car show, tractor rally/pull, organised charity vehicle events
  • about reducing individual freedom or movements.

Map of Breckland Boundary

Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) Consultation

Last updated: 29/08/2024 14:48:15