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24/09/2024: Breckland approves significant new Housing Strategy

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Breckland Council's Cabinet voted on Monday 23 September to approve a new Housing Strategy for the district.

The new Housing Strategy represents a wider look at matters surrounding housing and identifies the key priorities for addressing housing and homelessness throughout the district, with an emphasis on raising the quality of new and existing homes as well as increasing the supply of new, suitable housing. 

The Strategy extends significantly beyond the minimum statutory requirement and commits to a wider way of working and openness to flexibility and collaboration both internally and externally as part of an even more holistic approach.

The new Housing Strategy is a working document that will evolve as the district's housing needs change.

Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Housing, Councillor Sarah Suggitt, commented: "Our new Housing Strategy represents a significant opportunity for the district to take a more holistic and agile approach to meeting our housing need.

"This includes a comprehensive picture of the actual housing pressures our residents face, and where we as a district need to be focussing our energies on meeting the housing needs of our communities, particularly our most vulnerable.

"It will increase the supply and diversity of affordable housing to ensure the right types of housing are available in the right places.

"It will improve the quality and sustainability of homes in the private rented sector, building thriving and healthy communities across Breckland.

"It will also make better use of existing homes across the district and will support vulnerable residents to access suitable homes and have housing choices."

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Last modified on 24 September 2024