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Christmas and New Year Opening Hours

Find out about our Christmas Holiday opening hours and our revised bin collection days

Committee meetings

The council operates under a Leader and Cabinet system. Meetings are generally open to the public, although there may be items on the agenda from which the press and public will be excluded for reasons of confidentiality. Further details about the responsibilities of each committee are available in the council's Constitution.

Please note: Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, filming, photographing and making an audio recording of public meetings is permitted. Pleaseread our guidance on filming for further information.

In this section you can search for:

You can find documents either by searching by keywords or by browsing through committees. If a document is located by searching by keywords, you have the option of downloading extracts of documents, rather than the whole file.

You are able to view and download the calendar of meetings:

Further information on individual committees and which members sit on the committee can be found on ourCommittees page (opens new window).


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Last modified on 12 September 2024