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Essential website maintenance for up to an hour between 10.00am Saturday 22 February and 1pm Sunday 23 February.

This may affect your ability to report problems with bins, pay for Garden waste, report fly-tipping and view aspects of My Breckland

Request Barcode

Breckland Council accepts the following methods of payment for Council Tax.

Direct Debit

Council Tax can be paid by direct debit. You can choose to pay on the 5th, 15th or 25th of the month over 10 months. To set up a direct debit use ouronline service

Standing Order

Payments can be made directly from your bank account into ours. Because you're in control of the standing order you need to remember to keep your payments up to date and inline with your bill. You will also need to change the amount you pay when you receive a change to your Council Tax bill. You can make payments to Account Number: 53002926 Sort Code: 20-62-53 You must ensure your Council Tax account number is stated with the transfer to ensure your payment account is up to date. Payment must reach us no later than the 5th of the month.

Debit Card

You can pay by debit card using our online service, calling our automated payment line on 0845 600 1936, or by visiting one of our Customer Service Centres. Payment must reach us no later than the 5th of the month.

Cash or Cheque

You can choose to pay by cash at a PayPoint location or visit a Post Office where you can make payment by cash or cheque (made payable to Post Office Counters Ltd with your Council Tax account number on the reverse). Payment must reach us no later than the 5th of each month.

To request your barcode, submit your details in the online form below. A copy of your original bill with barcode will be issued to you. Payment dates and amounts on your bill will be from the start of the financial year, some of which you may have already paid.

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