Grounds maintenance
Report a grounds maintenance issue in the Breckland area, from tree concerns to grass cutting, hedge trimming, weed removal, and leaf clearance
The Breckland Grounds Maintenance service is provided in partnership with service provider Serco Ltd. The service ensures that council land is maintained to provide a clean, safe and attractive environment accessible to the whole community.
This service maintains landscaped areas of council-owned open spaces, housing estates, and grass verges within the residential areas of the district. Grass verges outside the residential areas are maintained by Norfolk County Council.
Norfolk County Council Roads (opens new window)
Before reporting you can check whether Breckland Council are responsible for the maintenance of the areas by checking on
The standard of service you can expect:
- Work carried out with due care for the safety of others.
- Work will only be carried out between 07:00 and 20:00.
- Any debris created by our work will be removed at the end of the day (except grass cuttings).
- Regular inspections will be made to check that work is being done properly, to the agreed standard.
We are responsible for trees on the land we own. Currently, works are only carried out where it is deemed there is a health and safety issue. Any of our trees which have grown over your property boundary, you have the right to cut back. Before you carry out any work please check that the tree is not protected or in a conservation area.
We will not inspect a tree for the following:
- Cutting out light.
- Spoiling the view.
- Dropping sap.
- Dropping leaves into a private residence.
- Causing poor television reception.
We will inspect a tree if:
- Branches are touching a building/structure and potentially may cause damage.
- There are cracked or split limbs.
- There is a snapped branch hung up in the tree canopy.
- A large limb has fallen to the ground.
- The tree is loose at the roots.
- Sight lines for pedestrians are compromised.
- Sight lines for vehicles are compromised.
- Branches are causing pedestrians and cyclists to stoop.
- It is too big.
Grass cutting
Grass cutting and grounds maintenance is carried out across the district throughout the year according to planned schedules.
Should an area need attention, please report it online using the link at the bottom of the page.
Hedge trimming
Hedges and shrubs which the council is responsible for are cut annually from October to March
If you wish to raise an issue, please report it online using the link at the bottom of the page.
If you need to make a formal complaint about your neighbour's hedge, details about this can be found on ourhigh hedge complaints page.
Play areas
Play Areas in Dereham, Attleborough, Swaffham, Watton and Thetford are the responsibility of the respective Town Council. Village play areas are usually the responsibility of the respective Parish Council or sometimes the Village Playing Field Committee. Please contact the Town or Parish Council in the first instance.
Weed removal
Norfolk County Council are responsible for weed control on adopted roads and pavements. They also deal with ragwort, thistles, nettles, brambles and giant hogweed on roads.
Toreport a weed control problem (opens new window), visit the Norfolk County Council website.
Leaf clearance
We are responsible for road sweeping and clearing leaves in certain areas of the District. However, this does not include major trunk roads and privately-owned property or land.
Norfolk County Council (NCC) is responsible for maintaining most of the 6,000 miles of roads in Norfolk, except trunk roads (the A11 and A47) which are managed byHighways England (opens new window).
Please contact NCC directly if you wish toreport a problem with major roads (opens new window).
If you wish to report a problem with leaf clearance in the Breckland area, please report it online using the link at the bottom of the page.
Report a grass cutting, hedge trimming or leaf clearance issue online