How do I apply for a Club Premises Certificate?
Please ensure you read theguide to applying for a Club Premises Certificate (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window) before making your application. Any applications submitted with information missing or incorrectly completed applications will be rejected.
Please complete our online form (link below). You are able to pay therelevant fee online by debit or credit card.
You are also required to:
- Submit aplan of the building with your application
- Submit a copy of your club rules with your application
- Complete and return theClub Declaration form (PDF, 475 KB) (only if not applying online)
- Issue a copy of your completed application form to each of the Responsible Authorities (if you apply online we will do this for you)
- Complete and submit adeclaration confirming the issuance of the application to the Responsible Authorities (PDF, 9 KB) (only if not applying online)
- Each Responsible Authority could make an objection to your application, which may result in a Committee Hearing at Breckland Council
- Display a Public Notice (Example of a Blue Public Notice (PDF, 39 KB)(opens new window)) (once confirmed as accepted by the Licensing Team)
- Please ensure that you read the guidance notes on the example of a Club Premises Certificate Blue Notice
- Publish a notice in the local press (Example of a Club Premises Newspaper Notice (PDF, 32 KB)(opens new window))(once confirmed as accepted by the Licensing Team)
- Please ensure that you read the guidance notes on the example of a Club Premises Certificate Newspaper Notice
- Complete and submit a Declaration confirming your display of the Public Notice and Newspaper Notice (PDF, 11 KB)(opens new window) (only if not applying online)
Please note: Club Premises Certificate fees are determined by the non-domestic rateable value of the premises. To find out your premises non-domestic rateable value go to theValuation Office Agency website. (opens new window)
This form usually takes about 20 minutes to complete.
Make sure you fill in any field marked with an asterisk (*)
Use the 'Next Page' and 'Previous Page' buttons to move through the form. Do not use the back or forward buttons on your web browser.
Please ensure you have:
- a plan of the premises
- a copy of club rules
- a valid email address to be able to save the form
- a debit or credit card to make payment
Apply for a Club Premises Certificate online
If you don't want to apply online you can complete and return theClub Premises Certificate application form along with therelevant fee and additional documents listed above. You are able to pay by debit or credit card, we will contact you to arrange payment.
Breckland's Licensing Team will acknowledge receipt within three working days. If you have not heard from us within three working days pleasecontact us to check we have received your application.
If there are any changes necessary to enable us to accept the application we will contact you, please retain a copy of the completed forms you submit.
Thinking of providing food at your premises?You will need to contact Breckland Council Food, Health & Safety team