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What is a Minor Variation?

If you wish to make an amendment to your current Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate that does not adversely affect any of the licensing objectives (prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, prevention of public nuisance and protection of children from harm) you will need to apply to Breckland Council for a Minor Variation. Minor Variations are typically used when removing licensable activities from your licence or small amendments to the layout of the premises. If your proposed change does adversely affect these you will need to apply for aVariation. 

Before completing the form make sure you have all the supporting documentation ready - applications without all supporting documents will not be accepted

You are required to:

There isa fee for this application. When completing our online form a card payment is required. We accept most major debit and credit cards.

Apply online for a Minor Variation

If you don't wish to apply online you can complete and submit theMinor Variation application form and above documents by email or post.

Your Minor Variation will be acknowledged within three working days, the decision to authorise or reject the application is made by Breckland's Licensing Team, who may liaise with any of theResponsible Authorities to assist with making the decision. Any valid public representations will also be considered. If there are any amendments needed to enable us to accept the application we will contact you, please retain a copy of the completed forms you submit.

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Last modified on 22 May 2024