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How do I change the Designated Premises Supervisor?

Please note the Designated Premises Supervisor must hold a currentPersonal Licence issued by the Local Authority in which they live.

If you would like to change the current DPS for your Premises Licence you will need to complete a Vary DPS application form.

Before completing the form make sure you have all the supporting documentation ready - applications without all supporting documents will not be accepted.

You will need to upload or email aconsent form (PDF, 33 KB)(opens new window) and return the original Premises Licence, if this is not available you should send a covering letter confirming reasons for not having the original document.

There isa fee for this application. When completing our online form a card payment is required. We accept most major debit and credit cards.

Apply online to Vary the DPS

If you don't wish to apply online you can complete and submit theVary DPS application form andconsent form (PDF, 33 KB)(opens new window)   

Please note:  The application to vary a premises licence to specify an individual as designated premises supervisor under the Licensing Act 2003 asks the licensee to give a copy of the form to the existing premises supervisor. The completed form contains personal information about the proposed new DPS and sharing this information would be in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998. It is sufficient for the licensee to inform the DPS that the application has been made, without the need to share the specific details of the application. A full copy of the application form must still be sent to Police. The form will be amended via Regulations as soon as possible to make this clear.

A copy of the completed application and consent form (if not applying online) must also be sent to the Police at:

Norfolk Constabulary Licensing Team
Bethel Street Police Station
Bethel Street

The Police will confirm to Breckland Council that they have received your application, if they do not Breckland Council may reject it.  The Police have a 14-day period in which to make objections to the proposed new DPS.  If no objections are received, we will notify you within 10 working days and you will receive your licence within 20 working days.  If an objection is received the application will have a hearing in front of the Licensing Sub-Committee at Breckland Council.


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Last modified on 17 May 2024