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Ask your Breckland Assistant - Alexa Skill

How to change location settings on Alexa

Step one: open the Alexa app on your smartphone or tablet, and go to 'More'

Step two: go to 'Settings' then 'Device Settings'

Step three: you will see a list of all of your devices, click on the device you want to check the location on

Step four: You will either see an address under 'Device location' or if nothing under 'Device location' then it is not linked to an address

Step five: To add or change your address, please click on 'Device location' then the 'Change' button. Go through the process of inputting the correct address and save.

Step six: Repeat this process for all devices

Please ensure the address you use in Alexa matches your address in My Breckland

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Last modified on 20 February 2025