Business Rates

Business rates (or National Non-Domestic Rates NNDR) are charged on most non-domestic properties which attract a rateable value. Business rates are set by central government and go towards paying for services provided by the local council such as street lighting, road maintenance and planning.

You can contact our business rates team at Anglia Revenues Partnership by using their General Enquiry Form at Anglia Revenues Partnership- Contact Us (opens new window) or by telephone on 01842 756 568. Full details can be found atAnglia Revenues Partnership (opens new window).

Calculations and exemptions

How are business rates calculated? (opens new window)

Business rates are calculated by:

  • The 'rateable value' of your property (set by the valuation office agency).
  • The 'rate multiplier' (set by the government).

Are there any exemptions to business rates? (opens new window)

Some properties are exempt from business rates, for example:

  • Agricultural land and buildings.
  • Buildings registered for public religious worship or church halls.

Additional properties may be exempt from paying business rates for a period of time.

Business rate relief

What business rate relief is available? (opens new window)

Some properties are eligible for discounts on their business rates, schemes include:

For further information on business rates,visit the Anglia Revenue Partnership website (opens new window).

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Last modified on 13 November 2024