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Breckland Mindful Towns

Breckland Mindful District Partnership

The Breckland Mindful District Partnership (BMDP) was established in 2021 to support our Mindful Towns and Villages programme. The purpose of the programme is to facilitate and enable a community-led approach to mental health and raise awareness of the support available to residents, endeavouring to make Breckland a 'Mindful District.'

Communities can achieve 'Mindful Town' or 'Mindful Village' status through free mental health education and awareness training programmes and explore opportunities to develop mindfully-focused community activity within their local areas.

The BMDP started as a collective of training providers and partner services have been integral to the success of Mindful Towns. As a result, we are expanding the partnership to include referral pathway organisations as well as training providers, ensuring that our partners are as diverse as our communities.

If you're an organisation who specialises in delivering training or valuable support services around mental health or issues that impact a person's mental health, we would love to hear from you. 

Become a Mindful Town Partner

Compassionate Communities

Enabling communities to develop a compassionate approach to end of life and promote improved health and well-being for anyone affected.

As a Mindful District, we recognise that mental health is diverse, and we have expanded the conversation to include the principles of Compassionate Communities in our Mindful Towns programme. We want to reduce the stigma around mental health when experiencing end of life care, bereavement, and grief, and support communities to implement social changes and develop their status as a Compassionate Community.


Partner Organisations

To find out more about each partner or to access their services, please follow the links below.

If you have any questions about the programme or becoming a partner, please contact us:

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Last modified on 14 October 2024