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Breckland Mindful Towns

Becoming a Mindful Town or Village

How do we become a Mindful Town or Village?

All 5 market towns in Breckland have achieved the 'Mindful Town' status and we are excited to support our parishes to be recognised as a 'Mindful Village.' To achieve this, a number of representatives from a cross-section of the local community would need to commit to becoming Mental Health Community Champions by participating in a training session provided by the Breckland Mindful District Partnership (BMDP). This could include sports clubs, the local pub, small businesses, community organisations, the parish council, and more. Find out more about the training on our webpage.


The BMDP training programme will be accessible to both individuals and collective groups interested in developing 'Mindful Village' status. To achieve this, the criteria is:

  • Large Towns (+10,000) - 15+ champions
  • Small Towns (-10,000) - 10+ champions
  • Large villages (+2,500) - 7+ champions
  • Small villages* (-2,500) - 5+ champions

*Where interest arises in our smaller parishes, individuals will be encouraged to collaborate to create a collective 'Mindful Village' that spans their boundaries, where interest exists but capacity is stretched.

In becoming a 'Mindful Village', the organisations represented would commit to upskilling a minimum of one member to undertake any element of the BMDP training. Following successful completion of the training, that member would become the mental health 'Champion' of that organisation: 

  • Someone who is better placed to identify and engage in conversation with anyone presenting as needing support with their Mental Health.
  • Someone better informed to signpost those people on to appropriate clinical or community support.

Apply for Mindful Town or Village status

When the required number of representatives have completed training course, a lead for your group should complete the application form below. Successful towns and villages will receive a pack of resources to promote their Mindful Towns status. 

Apply for Mindful Town/Village Status


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Last modified on 22 October 2024