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Life as a District Councillor and how to become one

What help will I get?

Who will support me?

Before, during and after the election you will be advised and helped by officers in the Council's Democratic Services Team, which is responsible for Councillor induction, training, development and support, as well as a wide range of duties associated with the administration of Council meetings and elections.

What kind of help can I expect?

Those elected will be required to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and will be given an information pack to take away. This has been developed by the Democratic Services Team and contains both general information and details specific to Breckland District Council.

There will be a full induction program for all councillors which will introduce you to senior officers and give you an outline of the council's work.

Is there any training?

Councillors are provided with a variety of development opportunities throughout their 4-year term of office. These will usually be delivered in-house, by either officers or external facilitators. We occasionally run courses in conjunction with neighbouring authorities in order to reduce costs and increase networking.  From time to time members are sent on courses outside the county.

This Council has determined that every councillor who is appointed to serve on a quasi-judicial committee must first have received appropriate training. The Planning, Regulatory and Licensing Committees are classed as quasi-judicial committees. In addition, members of the Governance & Audit Committee are also required to have undergone training before sitting on the committee.

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Last modified on 13 May 2024