Brief guide to Breckland District Council

And where the money goes

Council spending is divided between capital and revenue.

Capital spending is for one-off payments to buy things like buildings and to finance significant projects, such as regeneration projects and new equipment.

Revenue spending is the way the Council pays for the services it delivers. Some examples of services provided are:

  • Refuse and recycling collection from the District's households (contracted to Serco).
  • Cleaning the streets and public areas of the District (contracted to Serco).
  • Asset and facilities management, including parks and open spaces and other corporate assets.
  • Community engagement.
  • Housing services, including housing allocation, homelessness support and private sector housing.
  • Planning and regeneration delivery.
  • Tourism.
  • Regulatory services, including licensing, environmental health (e.g., dog fouling, littering);
  • Housing benefits provision and Council Tax support scheme;
  • Car parks (maintenance and repair).
  • Community safety and CCTV.
  • Collection of Council Tax and Business Rates (NNDR).

The Council budget is set in February of each year.

More detailed information on Council finance is available on our Statement of Accounts page.



Last updated: 13/05/2024 18:28:18