Air pollution

Air quality reports

2023 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) (PDF) [2MB] (opens new window) 2023Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) - AQMA in Swaffham in place. Nitrogen Dioxide levels remain below action level. Monitoring is continuing. Breckland Council has commissioned a Detailed Assessment.
2022 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window) 2022Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) - AQMA in Swaffham in place and AQAP now in action. Nitrogen Dioxide levels now below action level however monitoring continuing and Breckland Council is looking at carrying out a detailed assessment.
2021 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window) 2021Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) - AQMA in Swaffham in place and AQAP now in action. Nitrogen Dioxide levels now below action level however monitoring continuing and Breckland Council is working with its partners to identify local/cost effective measures to keep pollution levels low.
2020 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window) 2020Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) - AQMA in Swaffham in place and AQAP now in action. Nitrogen Dioxide levels now below action level however monitoring continuing and Breckland Council is working with its partners to identify local/cost effective measures to keep pollution levels low.
2020 Defra ASR Appraisal response (PDF) [197KB] (opens new window) 2020Acceptance of ASR    
2019 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) (PDF) [4MB] (opens new window) 2019Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) - AQMA in Swaffham in place and AQAP now in action. Nitrogen Dioxide levels now below action level however monitoring continuing and Breckland Council is working with its partners to identify local/cost effective measures to keep pollution levels low.
2018 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) (PDF) [2MB] (opens new window) 2018Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) - (Note) AQMA in Swaffham in place and Air Quality Action Plan submitted to Defra on 30 October 2018

2017 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) (PDF) [3MB] (opens new window)

2017Exceedance of the Annual Objective is Swaffham.  AQMA declared 1 May 2017 and now proceeding with Action Plan.

2016 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR) (PDF) [3MB] (opens new window)

2016No exceedance, but Swaffham still close to annual objective.  Detailed assessment underway monitoring to continue.

AQMA - Swaffham

There is an issue with traffic-related nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in Swaffham town centre. Annual objectives had been exceeded and it was decided that action should be taken. Therefore, at the Cabinet meeting on 21 March 2017, it was agreed that an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) for traffic related nitrogen dioxide (NO2) be declared in Swaffham. 

The boundary is marked on the  Air Quality Management Area Order 2017 (PDF) [901KB] (opens new window)

We have 17 different diffusion tubes and one continuous monitor in Swaffham measuring levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in and around the town.

Approved Swaffham Air Quality Action Plan

The council has produced an  Action Plan (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)  that is based on a public consultation and in consultation with our Statutory Consultees and this was submitted to DEFRA in the autumn of 2018.

DEFRA provided their response to our plan.

We will be reviewing the Action Plan and working with our partner organisations, in line with the recommendations made by DEFRA, and will report on progress to DEFRA each year to ensure the measures are still effective. The website will be updated with any progress.

The Action plan is regularly updated, as included in the annual status reports, with revisions made in mid-2021 added to the  2021 Annual Status Report (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window) . Further work to revise the Action plan was carried out in late 2021, and these updates are being reported to council members, our partners and interested organisations through our  Swaffham AQAP Action - 2021 (PDF) [419KB] (opens new window)  document.

For more information please contact us through our General Enquiry Form

Last updated: 22/05/2024 17:29:00