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Essential website maintenance for up to an hour between 10.00am Saturday 22 February and 1pm Sunday 23 February.

This may affect your ability to report problems with bins, pay for Garden waste, report fly-tipping and view aspects of My Breckland

Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN's)

Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN's)  are issued to individuals, businesses, and households by delegated officers of the Council as a form of sanction against environmental crime and other offences.  These are normally issued in the form of a posted or hand delivered document during or following an investigation into the offence(s).  The FPN will outline the allegation, legislation meaning and potential sanction options. 

Offences may include, but not limited to:

  • Fly-tipping (illegally discarding rubbish) (up to £1000 per incident)
  • Waste accumulation and duty of care of waste management and disposal (up to £600 per incident)
  • Dog fouling (up to £100 per incident)
  • Littering (up to £500 per incident)
  • Low-level graffiti (up to £100 per incident)
  • Being the owner of an abandoned vehicle (up to £200 per incident)
  • Illegally distributing free printing material and fly-posting (up to £100 per incident)
  • Repairing vehicles on a roadside or highway (up to £100 per incident)
  • Misusing a public or residential waste bin provided by the council (up to £100 per incident)
  • Failing to hold/produce a waste carriers license when carrying out a waste removal or transportation service (up to £300 per incident)
  • Failing to hold/produce a waste transfer note or receipt when carrying out a waste removal or transportation service (up to £300 per incident)
  • Failing to comply with Public Space Protection Orders (up to £100 per incident)
  • Failing to comply with Community Protection Notices (up to £100 per incident)

These values are set by national government, however discretional values can be considered pending the impact of the offence, mitigation, and cooperation of all involved in the investigation.

Delays in FPN payment may include additional administrative fees and may lead to prosecution at court.  A payment plan is available, administrative fees apply.

An FPN does not involve court proceedings and offers the recipient the opportunity to account for their responsibility to the offences involved, without the need to attend court.  Court sanctions in the form of fines can be set at a much higher value than an FPN.

To discuss an FPN, contact the relevant officer in your written correspondence.

Pay your FPN online

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Last modified on 21 May 2024