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Rodents, insects, and other pests

Breckland Council does not provide a pest control service. We are unable to provide details or recommendations for any pest control companies but would recommend that you always try to get more than one quote.

You may wish to try the following resources for details of pest control companies:

Please note that Breckland Council is not responsible for the maintaining any of the resources mentioned above and can't be held liable if your chosen service provider doesn't perform as expected.

Large numbers of insects can become a statutory nuisance if they interfere with the comfort and enjoyment of a person's home and occur as a result of a commercial activity.

If you would like us to investigate a statutory nuisance, you canreport a pest or insect nuisance online and a member of the Environmental Protection team will contact you to discuss the matter further.

Domestic pest problems

There are actions you can take to control a small pest infestation. For larger infestations, professional assistance is generally the best course of action.

Type of pestWhat you can do
  • Destroy the nest using boiling water, residual insecticide powder, or sugar-based liquid bait containing borax.
  • Protect food sources.
  • Insecticide aerosol for flying ants.
  • Apply residual insecticide lacquer around doors, skirting, windows, ventilators, ducts and drains.
Bed bugs
  • Seek professional assistance.
Bluebottle flies
  • Use insecticides, although this will have limited long-term impact.
Cluster flies
  • Small infestations around windows and behind curtains can be removed using a vacuum cleaner.
  • Treat larger infestations with an insecticide space spray.
    • Doing so in early winter will ensure all hibernating flies are in the same target area.
  • Seek professional assistance.
  • Any pets carrying fleas must be treated using an insecticide shampoo or powder, available from your vet.
  • Animal bedding must be cleaned regularly.
  • Put a small amount of crawling insect powder inside your vacuum cleaner's bag.
  • Heavy infestations may require professional help.
Honey bees
  • Beekeepers are happy to volunteer, advise and arrange for the collection of swarms of honey bees whenever possible.
  • For guidance, and details of a local volunteer beekeeper who may be able to assist, please contact The British Beekeepers Association (opens new window) 
  • Beekeepers will not remove bumble bees, but are happy to provide further information.
  • Securely bag your household rubbish to keep flies away from waste food.
  • Cover compost heaps.
  • Clear and clean drains and gullies often.
  • Hang fly papers to collect flies.
    • This can also help you identify the species should you need to seek professional help.
  • On agricultural premises farm manure should be kept as dry as possible.
  • Dead animals should be located and removed.
  • Prevent flies' entry using fly screens, air curtains, bead curtains, or self-closing doors fitted with rubber flaps.
Hornets and wasps
  • Use a quick knockdown insecticide aerosol spray.
  • If the nest is in the ground, an insecticide dust can be applied around the entrance of the nest.
    • Exercise caution and always read the instructions on the pesticide container before you buy it.
  • Seek professional help.
  • Make sure that the mice do not have access to food stored in your kitchen.
  • Check and repair all small gaps in the external walls of your property.
  • Use traps and bait (such as peanut butter, bread, or chocolate).
    • Contrary to popular belief, cheese is not a good bait.
    • Humane options that allow for harmless trapping and release are available.
  • Use poison from a chemist, hardware shop, or supermarket.
  • Seek professional help.
  • Remove or reduce potential food sources and nesting sites.
  • Keep refuse in proper storage containers.
  • Check and repair all small gaps in the external walls of your property.
  • Ensure that drain inspection covers are in place and are in good repair.

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Last modified on 20 May 2024