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Starting a new food business

Additional contacts

Do you require new business advice, food safety training or consultancy in preparation for starting your new food business?Visit our training courses page orread more advice from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) (opens new window).

Sale of alcohol

Refer to our Licensing pages if selling alcohol on the premises, or your business includes the provision of late night refreshment - hot food or drink, consumed on or off the premises, between the hours of 23:00 and 05:00 - as you will require a licence.Full definition of 'late night refreshment' available on GOV.UK. (opens new window)

Mobile catering

Advice on mobile catering is available on our website, including food business registration, street trading consent, food safety training programme, and putting a food safety management system in place.

'Change of Use' and Planning Permission

If the food business involves a different type of use of the premises compared to previously, then an application for 'change of use' under planning legislation may need to be made at an early stage.Check if planning permission is required.

You should do this before committing to any significant expense that cannot be recovered (such as changing the internal layout or fitting out the premises). This may also apply if running a food business from your own home, subject to the scale of operation.  

Building regulation approval

Even if Planning Permission is not required, you may still need toapply to Building Control for this type of approval if undertaking building works.

Business Rates

Any new business proposal may affect what amount of business rates may be payable - this could even include your own home if part of the property is to be used for running a business.Find further information about Business Rates.

New business support and business finance options

Refer to our Business Support pages if you require further assistance.

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Last modified on 04 July 2024