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Asbestos in the workplace

Find guidance on asbestos at the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website (opens new window).

If you have asbestos and it's not damaged and in a place where it is unlikely to be disturbed, then it should not cause any harm.

If there is some slight damage, you can paint indoor materials with an alkali resistant paint, for example a PVA emulsion.

Badly damaged asbestos materials should only be removed by a suitably trained and licensed person.

Information for businesses

If you have a responsibility for managing the maintenance and repair of a building, you are required by law to manage the asbestos which may be inside.Find further information on duty to manage (opens new window) on the HSE website.

Information for tradesmen

Information on working with asbestos (opens new window) can be found on the HSE webpage.

Disposal advice

You must not:

  • Place asbestos waste in your normal household waste.
  • Take asbestos materials to a recycling centre.

You must:

Asbestos is classified as 'hazardous waste'.Find out more on GOV.UK (opens new window).

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Last modified on 22 May 2024