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Suitable evidence for ECO4 Flex referral routes

Referral Route 1: Low income


• Most recent year's tax return / P60 documentation. If this was issued 6+ months from when the Local Authority dates and issues the declaration, it may only be used in combination with additional evidence. If the householder has multiple jobs, then the householder will need to provide P60s for each job. Where additional income is being received that's not visible on the P60, additional evidence must also be provided e.g. bank statement(s) covering consecutive 3-month period from within the last 4 months prior to when the Local Authority dates and issues the declaration.

• Most recent year's annual income pension statement. Or if notified monthly, three from within the last 4 months prior to when the Local Authority has dated and issued the declaration.

• Three payslips alongside bank statements from the last 4 months prior to when the Local Authority has dated and issued the declaration, from all accounts receiving an income.

• Evidence such as P45 from within the last 4 months prior to when the Local Authority has dated and issued the declaration can be used in combination with other supporting evidence.

• As route 1 is based on the whole household income, provide confirmation of the number of adults residing at the address via council tax letters / tenancy agreements / mortgage statements / electoral register / soft credit check.

• Bank statements used as evidence for route 1 should show credit payments received, and the householder's name and address. Other information can be redacted if the householder wishes, provided that it is clear there has been no redaction of payments received.

• In cases where vulnerable customers are struggling to provide sufficient evidence, this can be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Local Authorities can take a view on what is appropriate and may ask Ofgem for advice where a specific household is struggling to provide requested evidence.


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Last modified on 26 February 2024