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Corporate Privacy Notices

Your privacy is very important to Breckland District Council.

Breckland District Council is the Data Controller responsible for the personal information you may provide in relation to complaints or compliments Breckland District Council. Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted by phone on 01362 656870, via email: or by writing to us at Legal Services, Breckland District Council, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1EE.

Your rights

You have the right to access your data and to correct any inaccuracies. For further details, please contact the Data Protection Officer or go to our'what are your rights?' page for a more detailed explanation.

Please also see our fullPrivacy Policy andview the individual privacy policies for all our services.

Council serviceLegal services
Why we need your personal data
  • Your information will be used as evidence during the investigation and handling of your case.
Why we're allowed to collect it
  • Articles 6.1(c) and 6.1(e) of the General Data Protection Regulations.
  • Local Government Acts.
  • Localism Act.

Legal Duties are laid out within but are not limited to:

  • The Housing Acts.
  • Food Safety Act.
  • Environmental Protection Act. 
  • R.I.P.A.
  • Crime and Disorder Act.
  • Anti-social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act.
  • Town and Country Planning Act.
  • Licensing Act.
How your data is used
  • Your data will be used during the handling of your case.
  • The council has a duty to protect the public funds it administers and may use information held about you for all lawful purposes, including, but not limited to:
    • Prevention and detection of fraud.
    • Matching data with electoral registration records.
    • Protecting public funds in investigating misuse of public money.
  • The council is required by law to participate in National Fraud Initiative (NFI) data matching exercises. Council Tax information may be provided to the Cabinet Office for NFI purposes and will be used for cross-system and cross-authority comparison for the prevention and detection of fraud.
    • We may also share this information with other bodies responsible for detecting and preventing fraud or auditing and administering public funds as required by law.
  • We may pass your information to other agencies or organisations, such as HM Revenues and Customs, and debt enforcement agencies, as allowed by law.
  • We may check information you have provided or information about you that someone else has provided, with other information we hold. Sources of information include landlords, letting agents, estate agents, medical professionals, care homes, and other councils.
  • We may also get information about you from certain third parties, or give them information to ensure the information is accurate and to prevent/detect crime and protect public funds. This includes Credit Reference Agencies, Police, Electoral Registration, HMRC and Land Registry.
  • We may share information with other organisations, such as Citizens Advice, where we have your consent and it is in your interest.
  • We will not disclose your personal information to third parties for marketing, sales, or any commercial use, and we will not use your personal data in a way which may cause you harm.
How long the information is retained
  • Six years (12 years for a document sealed as a Deed), following the closure of your case or the finalisation of enforcement action, as defined within the Limitation Act 1980.
  • Where your information relates to assets for which the council retains an interest, this information will be securely archived and retained for a period of six years after the council's interest has come to an end. This period lasts 12 years for a document sealed as a Deed.

Council serviceComplaints, compliments and MP enquiries
Why we need your personal data
  • To assist during any investigation of your complaint or MP enquiry.
  • To enable the council's investigating officer to assess your complaint and provide you with a suitable response.
Why we're allowed to use it
  • Article 6.1(a) and Article 6.1(e) of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
How your data is used
  • In order to investigate your complaint, we will usually share your data with the relevant investigating officers.
  • We will only use your data for the specific purpose of investigating your complaint and making an assessment as to how to respond and rectify any errors.
How long is the information retained
  • Six years, unless your complaint is passed to the Local Government Ombudsman.
    • In which case it will be kept for 10 years, after which the information will be securely destroyed.

Council service

Information requests
Why we need your personal data
  • To assist during any investigation of your information request.
  • To enable the council's investigating officer to gather the required information and provide it to you.
Why we're allowed to collect it
  • Article 6.1(c) of the UK General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Freedom of Information Act 2000.
  • UK General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
  • Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
How your data is used
  • We will only use your data for the specific purpose of investigating your information request and supplying you with requested information.
  • To investigate your request, we will usually share your data with the relevant investigating officers in the council.
  • For requests made online - when you complete an online form your data is held on our website platform, 'GOSS'. Your data is transferred to a system called Pentana, where the data can be accessed by relevant officers in the council.
How long the information is retained
  • Six years, unless your request is passed to the Information Commissioners Office for further investigation.
    • In which case it will be kept for 10 years, after which the information will be securely destroyed.

Council serviceContract management and contracts
Why we need your personal data
  • Your information will be used to evidence that we have followed a suitable procurement process.
  • To contact successful suppliers for the purposes of contract management.
  • To maintain our Contracts Register.
Why we need your personal data
  • Article 6 1.(b) and (c) of the General Data Protection Regulations.
  • Regulation 83 and 84 of The Public Contract Regulations 2015.
How your data is used
  • Data you upload onto our e-procurement website (In-Tend) of your own accord may be used to contact you concerning relevant procurements.
    • This personal information is held on In-Tend and we are able to access it as and when we need to.
  • Your personal data may also be used as evidence that we have conducted a procurement exercise in a compliant, transparent, and legal manner. This can include:
    • Keeping Selection Questionnaires.
    • Successful and unsuccessful tender responses (which may include CVs of the project team if these are submitted).
    • Evaluation spreadsheets.
    • Feedback letters.
  • Where we enter a formal agreement with suppliers, details of named contacts for members of the supplier's organisation will be held for the purposes of contract management.
    • Additionally, we have a legal obligation to publish our Contracts Register quarterly. Internally this is held on a database accessible to most Council Officers. This database holds the name of the supplier and often the signed contract. The published version contains the supplier name and is available for the public to view on our website.
  • Occasionally, it will be necessary for us to share information with third parties. For example, when we are using specialist consultants as part of the procurement process.
  • We will not disclose your personal information to third parties for marketing, sales, or any commercial use, and we will not use your personal data in a way which may cause you harm. Any commercially sensitive information provided to us will not be shared with other suppliers.
How long the information is retained
  • Six years (12 years if the contract is under seal) after the final settlement of the contract.
  • Thereafter the data will be securely destroyed.


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Last modified on 10 March 2023