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Christmas and New Year Opening Hours

Find out about our Christmas Holiday opening hours and our revised bin collection days

Publication Scheme


1.          Scope and purpose

2.          Access to the Scheme

3.          Charges

4.          Review of the Scheme

1. Transparency Code Data and Information

1.1.     Expenditure exceeding £500

1.2.     Government Procurement Card transactions

1.3.     Procurement information

1.4.     Local authority land

1.5.     Social housing asset value

1.6.     Organisation Chart

1.7.     Trade union facility time

1.8.     Parking account

1.9.     Parking spaces

1.10.   Senior salaries

1.11.   Council Constitution

1.12.   Pay multiple

1.13.   Fraud

1.14.   Waste contracts

2. Who we are and what we do

2.1.     Council democratic structure

2.2.     Location and opening times of Council properties

2.3.     Councillor's information and contact details

2.4.     Contact details for all services

2.5.     Election results

2.6.     Relationships with other organisations

2.7.     Other office holders

3. What we spend and how we spend it

3.1.    Financial statements, budgets and variance reports

3.2.    Spending reviews

3.3.    Financial audit reports

3.4.    Members' allowances scheme

3.5.    Staff allowances and expenses

3.6.    Pay and grading structure

3.7.    Election expenses

3.8.    Procurement procedures

3.9.    External Auditor's report

3.10. Internal financial regulations

3.11.  Payments to senior officers

4. Our priorities and how we are doing

4.1.    Corporate Plan

4.2.    Service strategies and plans

4.3.    Internal and external organisation performance reviews

4.4.    Managing performance

4.5.    National and local performance indicators

4.6.    Strategies developed in partnership

4.7.    Business Support

4.8.    Key & Exempt Decision Plans

4.9.    Impact assessments

4.10. Customer care and service standards

4.11. Annual monitoring report (Local Development Scheme)

4.12. Statistical information produced

4.13. Breckland District Local Plan

5. How we make decisions

5.1.    Timetable of council meetings

5.2.    Agendas, reports, background papers and minutes

5.3.    Major policy proposals and decisions

5.4.    Facts considered when framing major policies

5.5.    Public consultations

6. Our policies and procedures

6.1.    Conducting council business

6.2.    Recruitment and employment of staff

6.3.    Complaints process

6.4.    Records management and personal data policies

6.5.    Planning policy

7. Lists and registers

7.1.    Corporate Asset Management Strategy

7.2.    Register of councillors' financial and other interests

7.3.    Register of gifts and hospitality

7.4.    Licensing and Planning registers

7.5.    Register of electors

7.6.    CCTV

7.7.    Disclosure logs

8. Services provided by the council

8.1.    Council services

8.2.    Services for local businesses

8.3.    Information for visitors to the area

8.4.    Media releases

8.5.    Election information

You can also download a PDF copy of our Publication Scheme. (PDF, 1013 KB)(opens new window)

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Last modified on 29 February 2024