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No Excuse for Abuse

Breckland Council are supporting the 'No Excuse for Abuse' campaign for their taxi trade.  The message is simple:  any sign of violence, verbal abuse, racial incidents or vehicle damage and the perpetrator's will be reported to the police. 

Whilst the vast majority of taxi users are polite and well behaved, there are a few who unfortunately feel it is acceptable to be abusive.  However, there is a minority who have no qualms about being abusive to drivers, especially when they have had too much to drink.  It is important that people know this will not be tolerated. 

It is unacceptable that any driver should be put in fear for his or her safety when they are doing their job. 

During the festive period, the job is even more challenging as there are many more passengers in town centres and some are adversely affected by alcohol.

Taxi drivers should be treated with respect and courtesy at all times.  Drivers have been advised to report any incidences of violence, verbal abuse, racial incidents and vehicle damage to the police.  It's everyone's right to feel safe in their workplace and our drivers are no different.

What you can expect from the taxi trade and what the taxi trade can expect from you

The driver will:

  • Drive with due care and courtesy towards the passenger and other road users.
  • Hackney carriage drivers will use the meter within the licensed area, unless the passenger has pre-booked and agreed to hire by time, as long as this is less than the metered fare.
  • If using the meter, not start the meter until the passenger is seated in the vehicle.
  • If travelling outside the licensed area, agree the fare in advance. If no fare has been negotiated in advance for a journey going beyond the licensed area, then the driver must adhere to the meter.
  • If travelling by a private hire vehicle, ensure that the passengers have pre-booked and are aware of the estimated fare before setting off and that details of the vehicle being dispatched are sent to them.
  • Take the most time-efficient route, bearing in mind likely traffic problems and known diversions, and explain any diversion from the most direct route.

The passenger will:

  • Treat the vehicle and driver with respect and obey any official notices (for example, in relation to not smoking/vaping, eating or drinking in the vehicle).
  • Ensure they have the means to pay the fare before travelling. If wishing to pay by credit or debit card or to stop en route to use a cash machine, check with the driver before setting off.
  • Be aware of the fare on the meter and make the driver aware if it is approaching the limit of their financial resources.
  • Be aware that the driver is likely to be restricted by traffic regulations in relation to where they can stop the vehicle.
  • Report any complaints or compliments to the Licensing Team

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Last modified on 17 May 2024