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Vary Premises Licence Guidance Notes

This application cannot be used to vary the licence so as to extend the period for which the licence has effect or to vary substantially the premises to which it relates. If you wish to make that type of change to the premises licence, you should make a new premises licence application under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003.

  1. You do not have to pay a fee if the only purpose of the variation for which you are applying is to avoid becoming liable for the late night levy.
  2. Describe the premises. For example, the type of premises, its general situation and layout and any other information which could be relevant to the licensing objectives. Where your application includes off- supplies of alcohol and you intend to provide a place of consumption of these off-supplies of alcohol, you must include a description of where the place will be and its proximity to the premises.
  3. In terms of specific regulated entertainments please note that:
  • Plays: no licence is required for performances between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, provided that the audience does not exceed 500
  • Films: no licence is required for 'not-for-profit' film exhibition held in community premises between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day provided that the audience does not exceed 500 and the organiser (a) gets consent to the screening from a person who is responsible for the premises; and (b) ensures that each such screening abides by age classification ratings
  • Indoor sporting events: no licence is required for performances between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, provided that the audience does not exceed 1000
  • Boxing or Wrestling Entertainment: no licence is required for a contest, exhibition or display of Greco-Roman wrestling, or freestyle wrestling between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, provided that the audience does not exceed 1000. Combined fighting sports - defined as a contest, exhibition or display which combines boxing or wrestling with one or more martial arts - are licensable as a boxing or wrestling entertainment rather than an indoor sporting event
  • Live music: no licence permission is required for:
    • a performance of unamplified live music between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, on any premises
    • a performance of amplified live music between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day on premises authorised to sell alcohol for consumption on those premises, provided that the audience does not exceed 500
    • a performance of amplified live music between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, in a workplace that is not licensed to sell alcohol on those premises, provided that the audience does not exceed 500
    • a performance of amplified live music between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, in a church hall, village hall, community hall, or other similar community premises, that is not licensed by a premises licence to sell alcohol, provided that (a) the audience does not exceed 500, and (b) the organiser gets consent for the performance from a person who is responsible for the premises
    • a performance of amplified live music between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, at the non- residential premises of (i) a local authority, or (ii) a school, or (iii) a hospital, provided that (a) the audience does not exceed 500, and (b) the organiser gets consent for the performance on the relevant premises from: (i) the local authority concerned, or (ii) the school or (iii) the health care provider for the hospital
  • Recorded Music: no licence permission is required for:
    • any playing of recorded music between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day on premises authorised to sell alcohol for consumption on those premises, provided that the audience does not exceed 500
    • any playing of recorded music between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, in a church hall, village hall, community hall, or other similar community premises, that is not licensed by a premises licence to sell alcohol, provided that (a) the audience does not exceed 500, and (b) the organiser gets consent for the performance from a person who is responsible for the premises
    • any playing of recorded music between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, at the non-residential premises of (i) a local authority, or (ii) a school, or (iii) a hospital, provided that (a) the audience does not exceed 500, and (b) the organiser gets consent for the performance on the relevant premises from: (i) the local authority concerned, or (ii) the school proprietor or (iii) the health care provider for the hospital
  • Dance: no licence is required for performances between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, provided that the audience does not exceed 500. However, a performance which amounts to adult entertainment remains licensable
  • Cross activity exemptions: no licence is required between 08.00 and 23.00 on any day, with no limit on audience size for:
    • any entertainment taking place on the premises of the local authority where the entertainment is provided by or on behalf of the local authority
    • any entertainment taking place on the hospital premises of the health care provider where the entertainment is provided by or on behalf of the health care provider
    • any entertainment taking place on the premises of the school where the entertainment is provided by or on behalf of the school proprietor, and
    • any entertainment (excluding films and a boxing or wrestling entertainment) taking place at a travelling circus, provided that (a) it takes place within a moveable structure that accommodates the audience, and (b) that the travelling circus has not been located on the same site for more than 28 consecutive days

4.  Where taking place in a building or other structure please tick as appropriate (indoors may include a tent).

5.   For example state type of activity to be authorised, if not already stated, and give relevant further details, for example (but not exclusively) whether or not music will be amplified or unamplified.

6.   For example (but not exclusively), where the activity will occur on additional days during the summer months.

7.   For example (but not exclusively), where you wish the activity to go on longer on a particular day e.g. Christmas Eve.

8.   Please give timings in 24 hour clock (e.g. 16.00) and only give details for the days of the week when you intend the premises to be used for the activity.

9.   If you wish people to be able to consume alcohol on the premises, please tick 'on the premises'. If you wish people to be able to purchase alcohol to consume away from the premises, please tick 'off the premises'. If you wish people to be able to do both, please tick 'both'.

10.  Please give information about anything intended to occur at the premises or ancillary to the use of the premises which may give rise to concern in respect of children regardless of whether you intend children to have access to the premises, for example (but not exclusively) nudity or semi-nudity, films for restricted age groups or the presence of gaming machines.

11.  Please list here steps you will take to promote all four licensing objectives together.

12.  The application form must be signed.

13.  An applicant's agent (for example solicitor) may sign the form on their behalf provided that they have actual authority to do so.

14.  Where there is more than one applicant, each of the applicants or their respective agents must sign the application form.

15.  This is the address which we shall use to correspond with you about this application.

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Last modified on 23 May 2024