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Litter and Litter bins

The council is responsible for keeping adopted highways clean and litter-free, within the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act.

Play areas are dealt with by the local parish/town council.


If a person drops, throws or leaves litter, they are committing a littering offence.

Please let us know about a litter problem so we can get it cleared up

You can report this to us by using our litter problem online form.

To report a litter problem you'll need to know the location of the litter.

Litter bins

We have litter bins throughout the Breckland district. Litter bins are emptied at least once a week.

You can help us by:

  • being tidy with your litter and chewing gum
  • using litter-bins and encouraging others to use them
  • recycling paper, bottles, cans, clothing and household furniture

If you find a full litter bin you are able to report this online. We will respond to reports of overflowing litter bins within two working days of receiving your request.

Report a full public litter bin

If your local recycling bank is full you can report this online

Recycling Bank-report if full

Dog waste bins

We provide dog waste bins throughout the Breckland district. Dog waste bins are emptied at least once a week.

If you find a full dog waste bin you can report it online. We will respond to reports of full dog bins within two working days of receiving your request.

Report a full public dog waste bin

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Last modified on 29 April 2022