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Adopted Local Plan

Thetford Area Action Plan (TAAP)

The Thetford Area Action Plan Development Plan Document and Policies maps contain land allocations for growth in Thetford of 5,000 houses and 5,000 jobs as well as the specific policies to guide the growth and regeneration of the town.

The Thetford Area Action Plan (TAAP) was formally adopted by Breckland Council on 5 July 2012 following the Planning Inspectorate's finding that the Plan was sound and legally compliant.

Following a legal challenge to the adoption of the TAAP, High Court hearings were held on 26 and 27 November 2012. The judgement handed down by Mr Justice Beatson on 12 January 2013 dismissed the legal challenge. The TAAP, therefore, continues to carry full weight in determining planning applications in the Thetford area.

The following policies will continue to be applicable and used alongside adopted local plan policies: TH2, TH4, TH5, TH6, TH7, TH9, TH11, TH12, TH18, TH20, TH21, TH22, TH23, TH25, TH26, TH27, TH28, TH29, TH30, TH31, TH32, TH33, TH34, TH35, TH37.

The following documents are transport evidence for TAAP:

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Last modified on 24 February 2022