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Abbey Thetford

Breckland Council has received and made valid an outline planning application reference 3PL/2024/0394/O, relating to the Abbey Estate in Thetford for:

'Outline planning permission for demolition and phased development of residential units (up to 500 units uplift) including special care units and HMOs (Classes C3, C2 and C4) and up to 1,600 sq. metres of flexible floor space for purposes within Class E (commercial, business and service), Class F1 (Learning and non-residential institutions), Class F2 (Local Community) and sui generis uses (launderette and hot food takeaways); external alterations to existing properties; together with associated highway, engineering and landscape works. All detailed matters except access points at boundary approved for future determination'.

This is proposed as a phased development comprising additional homes, external alterations to existing properties, and flexible floor space for commercial, business and service purposes - including sites of learning and community assets such as a launderette and takeaways. In addition, the proposal puts forward plans for highway, engineering and landscaping works.

This is an outline application, which means all detailed matters except for access points at the boundary would be put forward for consideration at a future point.

The planning application reference is 3PL/2024/0394/O and the plans and documents submitted in relation to this application can be viewed using the application reference number on our Planning Application search facility (opens new window). This is also the place to make any comments on the application.

The formal consultation period has now closed.  The consultation included letters going to all properties within the Estate as well as a number of site notices being placed around the estate alongside a Press Notice in the Eastern Daily Press.  Please note we will not be reconsulting in writing again and therefore we are encouraging anyone who is interested in the application to review posts on this page and review any amendments using the Planning Application search facility (opens new window).  Officers are in the process of reviewing the consultation comments received and engaging with the applicant, as required.  In the event further information or amendments are submitted we will update this web page and the documents will be available to view on the website via the Planning Application Search page, as identified above.

UPDATE - Please be aware that we have extended the Abbey Planning Application reference 3PL/2024/0394/O until the end of this year and details on the website have been updated.  Please note there will need to be a further extension of time into next year to allow us to deal with the application.  We currently await a package of amendments, which will need a further reconsult, this initial extension has been agreed to allow discussions between officers and the applicants to work out much longer is required for the further information to be submitted, the re-consultation and a decision to be made.  Once we have this information, we will endeavour to update the messaging on our website.  For now the application has just been extended till the end of the year to allow those discussions to take place


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Last modified on 28 November 2024