Green Infrastructure and Recreational impact Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy
Since the 1st of April 2022, for any development permitted where additional recreational impact is likely to be generated, applicants are required to pay a one off tariff per dwelling/unit. This will pay for mitigation measures at Natura 2000 Designated Protected Wildlife Sites (opens new window) within Norfolk (The Brecks, North Norfolk Coast and The Broads), as described in theNorfolk Green Infrastructure and Recreational Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (GIRAMs) (opens new window). This is because the evidence that informed the GIRAMS shows that schemes which create additional recreational impact (in combination with other development) in the zone of influence of Natura 2000 Habitat Sites will likely have a significant effect through recreation impact, meaning visiting sites for recreational purposes.
Breckland District Council, along with all other Norfolk Local Authorities, require a one off tariff of £221.17 per dwelling/unit to go towards recreation impact avoidance and mitigation measures. This is described in the Norfolk Green Infrastructure and Recreational Impact Avoidance Mitigation Strategy. In order for any planning permission, which creates additional recreational impact to be approved, a Section 106 Agreement (usually for major planning applications) or a Unilateral Undertaking (for all other applications) will need to be agreed and signed prior to the determination of the application. The Section 106 Agreement/Unilateral Undertaking will require payment of the tariff 'prior to commencement of development'. These monies are in addition to any planning application fee(s)/other obligation payments.
The Local Planning Authority will also be charging an administration fee (non-refundable) and monitoring fee to collect, monitor and issue the tariff. The administration fee is £75 and an additional £75 monitoring fee per application is also required. The administration and monitoring fees are to be paid within 10 days of your planning application being validated. Please do not pay the GIRAMs tariff in advance of receiving any planning consent. The Administration and Monitoring fees are based on a per application basis (not per dwelling/unit).
Please note the funds collected will be spent on measures to mitigate the effects of development which affects all Natura 2000 Habitat Sites in Norfolk, not just those within Breckland. By paying the tariff, the recreation effects of your site, in combination with other similar development, will be considered mitigated.
The Council have produced a standard Unilateral Undertaking (usually for minor and other applications and not major planning applications, which are likely to be dealt with by a Section 106 Agreement. Major Planning Applications consist of 10 dwellings or more). A copy of our standard Unilateral Undertaking must be downloaded and a hard copy must be signed (not dated), including the Certification page. This document must be returned to the Council (addressed to your Case Officer and Planning) and you must also include a site plan which is to be attached to the undertaking. All documentation must be received prior to determination of your application including the accompanying certification/declaration. Please note that our preference is for documents to be provided electronically via email, hard copies are not usually necessary. The Unilateral Undertaking must be completed within 10 days of validating your application and within the designated eight-week determination period or your application may be refused. Please note the undertaking is reviewed and updated regularly, including the fee, so please download a fresh copy or each application
Our standard (for most application types, such as Full or Reserved Matters) Unilateral Undertaking (Word doc, 35 KB)(opens new window) can be downloaded, signed (not dated) and submitted electronically via email with your application at validation stage or during the course of the application. A further Unilateral Undertaking has been produced for Prior Approval applications only Unilateral Undertaking - Prior Approval Applications (Word doc, 37 KB)(opens new window). Failure to provide a signed Unilateral Undertaking will result in refusal of planning permission. If planning permission is subsequently refused then any received, signed Unilateral Undertakings will be destroyed or returned on request. Planning obligations are legally binding on the landowner (and any successor in title). You MUST NOT amend any clause within the Unilateral Undertaking, or edit it in pen, other than to sign or witness the document.
Is my development affected?
The tariff applies to all new residential developments where there is a net increase in dwelling numbers. This includes, for example, the conversion of one dwelling to multiple dwellings or flats, or the change of use of other buildings to dwellings. It also includes new tourist accommodation. It excludes replacement dwellings and extensions to existing dwellings (where there is no net gain in dwelling numbers). Applicants are advised to contact us if they are unsure whether the tariff would apply. Please note, GIRAMS payments are required for all relevant application types, including (but not limited to): full planning permissions, reserved matters applications, and prior approvals. GIRAMS payments are not required for s.73 (variation of condition) applications unless additional overnight stays or units are created.
Restricted development types include:
- nursing homes, where the residents will be those in need of daily nursing care and therefore unable to undertake outdoor recreation.
- residential annexes, whereby they do not create independent dwellings.
- non-residential development, employment growth or infrastructure improvements.
However, other projects that may cause recreational disturbance at Habitat Sites will need to undertake their own Habitat Regulation Assessments (HRAs).