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Hedgerow Regulations

Hedgerows are probably the defining feature of the agricultural landscapes of Breckland. We want to see important hedgerows retained for landscape, historical or wildlife reasons, and are particularly aware that the contorted pine hedges of the sandy Brecks are a characteristic which sets Breckland apart from other regions of the country. Highways, byways and green lanes with boundary hedges can be valuable links with the past. Ancient species of rich hedgerows have been adopted as a Norfolk Biodiversity Action Plan Habitat.

Following the widespread loss of hedgerows in the second half of the twentieth century, the government introduced theThe Hedgerows Regulations (opens new window). These require a person to give the local planning authority six weeks notice of their intention to remove any hedge on or bordering agricultural land, forestry, commons, greens or nature reserves, stating their reasons. Hedges between domestic dwellings are not included.

The regulations are quite complicated. However, if a hedge is judged to be 'important' by the necessary historical, landscape or biological criteria, the council may serve a Hedgerow Retention Notice. This will protect the hedge from removal.  Please refer toHedgerows Regulations Guidance Notes and FAQs (opens new window) for more information.

The quickest, easiest and most preferable way to apply for a Hedgerow Removal is online via thePlanning Portal (opens new window) where you can also find guidance notes to assist you.

The Hedgerow Regulations came into force in 1997 and state that:

  • It is against the law to remove most countryside hedgerows without permission.
  • To get permission to remove a hedgerow you must contact your local planning department.
  • If the authority decides to prohibit removal of an important hedgerow it must let you know within six weeks.
  • If you remove a hedgerow without permission (whether it is important or not) you may face an unlimited fine. You may also have to replace the hedgerow.

Unable to find what you were looking for or have a general enquiry? Please contact us via our online form.

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