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Heritage Assets

Historic/Listed Buildings

Breckland district is fortunate to possess a rich and diverse architectural heritage, displaying the use of a wide range of materials, dictated prior to industrialism by the immediate geology and landscape. Typically, one would observe the use of brick, flint, chalk, clay lump and timber framing for walling with thatch; clay tiles and, in later years following industrialism, slates for roofing.

Many such buildings within the District are listed as buildings of Architectural or Historic importance. Such lists are compiled byHistoric England (opens new window), affording a high degree of protection. The Breckland list includes over 1,600 buildings, which in the event of any proposals, other than like for like repairs, will require the benefit of Listed Building Consent. Listed buildings can be viewed on the council mapping system inMy Breckland.

How To Get Historic Buildings or Sites Protected Through Listing

You can apply for a historic building or site to be protected through the listing system by completing an online form onon the Historic England's website. (opens new window)

Contact Historic England (opens new window) for advice on how to get a building considered for listing, de-listing, re-grading or amending a description.

How to find out if a building or site is listed

Historic England has created aNational Heritage List for England (opens new window) (April 2011). This is an online database that brings together information on all nationally designated heritage assets in one place for the first time.

Information on making alterations to Listed Buildings

Historic England offer an online guide to heritage protection in England (opens new window). The guides covers the law, policy and guidance that protects the heritage of our listed buildings, conservation areas, scheduled monuments, registered parks, gardens and battlefields, ship and other protected wreck sites, World Heritage Sites, non-designated archaeological sites, local listed buildings and other heritage assets.

We also offerPre-application Advice. Please note proposed works to a listed building that do not constitute development will not incur an application fee for pre-application advice.

Conservation Areas

The Breckland administrative area is approximately 500 square miles and within that area there are 50 Designated Conservation Areas, These Conservation Areas were predominantly designated during the 1970's and 1980's - please refer to ourConservation Areas page for more information.

Unable to find what you were looking for or have a general enquiry? Contact us through our online form.

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Last modified on 18 March 2024