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Post-decision Information


If your application is refused, you will be told the reasons why (grounds of refusal). However, you have the right to appeal against the Council's decision. Appeals must be submitted within six months of the date of your refusal notice, or, in the case of Householder applications, 12 weeks.

Advice on how to appeal is contained within your decision notice. For further information, or to submit an appeal,please visit the website (opens new window)

Discharge of Conditions

If you have been granted planning permission, there may be conditions that require information to be submitted to and approved by the council before the development can commence. These conditions are known as 'pre-commencement' conditions. The process of submitting the required information is known as discharging a condition.

A request to discharge conditions should be submitted though thePlanning Portal (opens new window).

The council's target to determine Discharge of Condition applications is within eight weeks of application validation.

An application may be made that seeks to discharge multiple conditions. The council will then decide whether to approve or refuse each condition. If a condition requires the written consent of a third party such as the Highway Authority, applicants are encouraged to contact them prior to submitting an application.

Variation or Discharge of Obligations or Discharge of a Clause in an Obligation (the latter will be done by written agreement)

If you wish to vary, discharge, or discharge a clause in a Section 106 agreement that was attached to a previous Planning Permission you will need to complete the followingVariation or Discharge of Obligations or Discharge of a Clause Application.  Discharges of clauses within an obligation will be done by written agreement.  This form is for the purposes of varying or discharging obligations or discharging clauses in obligations only, and not for compliance with obligation checks.  These can be done through aS106 compliance check.

Commencing development

You must commence your development within the timeframe stated on the decision notice (Condition 1). You cannot vary or extend the time limit.

Amendments to approved applications

You must carry out the work exactly as shown on the approved plans. If you want to make changes to the approved plans, you must submit a Variation of Condition application telling us what changes you wish to make.

Applications should be submitted through thePlanning Portal (opens new window)

Street naming and numbering

If your development involves the erection of new buildings, you will need to contactStreet Naming and Numbering to arrange for addresses to be allocated to your property.

Unable to find what you were looking for or have a general enquiry?Please contact us via our online form.

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Last modified on 10 December 2024