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Pre-application Advice Charging Schedule

Below is the charging schedule for pre-application advice. The 'research and written response' fee is payable on all applications.  Optional meetings and site visits are charged in addition.

Householder Application

Development DescriptionWhat's IncludedFee (inclusive of VAT)
Extensions and AlterationsResearch and written response£100

Listed Building Application

Development DescriptionWhat's IncludedFee (inclusive of VAT)

Alterations Only

* Free advice is only available for proposed alterations to a building where Listed Building Consent is required. If planning permission is required, advice is only provided where the 'extensions and alterations' fee has been paid.

Research and written responseNo Charge*
Optional one-hour meeting - virtual only£240
Optional unaccompanied site visit£240 per hour or part thereof

Minor Applications

Development DescriptionWhat's IncludedFee (inclusive of VAT)
One to nine dwellings or up to 999 square metres on non-residentialResearch and written response£360
Optional one-hour meeting - virtual only£240
Optional unaccompanied site visit£240 per hour or part thereof

Major Applications

Development DescriptionWhat's IncludedFee (inclusive of VAT)
10 to 49 dwellings or between 1,000 and 4,999 square metres of non-residentialResearch, Liaison with Consultees and written response

10 to 24 dwellings - £1,100
25 to 49 dwellings - £2,200
Non-residential - £1,100

Optional one-hour meeting - virtual only£240
Optional unaccompanied site visit£240 per hour or part thereof

Majors Applications of significance

Development DescriptionWhat's IncludedFee (inclusive of VAT)
50 dwellings or more than 5,000 square metres of non-residentialPlanning Performance AgreementTo be negotiated on a case by case basis
Optional one-hour meeting - virtual only£240
Optional unaccompanied site visit£240 per hour or part thereof

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Last modified on 07 October 2024