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Essential website maintenance for up to an hour between 10.00am Saturday 22 February and 1pm Sunday 23 February.

This may affect your ability to report problems with bins, pay for Garden waste, report fly-tipping and view aspects of My Breckland

Brown bin changes

Why are we making changes?

We are improving bin collection routes and changing collection days to make them more efficient and environmentally friendly.

These changes are necessary to ensure the smooth-running of the service both now and in the future.

Will my collections be changed?

About 81% of residents subscribed to the garden waste collections service will have a change to their collection day or week and even if your bin day stays the same, it may be collected at a new time.

We will be sending a leaflet to all residents who subscribe to the garden waste service to explain how these changes affect them. 

When will my bins be collected?

We will write to all residents who subscribe to the garden waste collections service with this information between Monday 29 January and Friday 16 February.

Collections happen any time during the day from 6.30 am. All bins must be out for collection by 6.30 am on collection day, or the evening before.

I haven't received a leaflet, when will I receive one? 

All leaflets will be sent by second class post to be received by 16 February, if you have not received one by this date you cancheck online or can request via email  or by calling 0330 1099 220.

When are the garden waste bin day changes happening? 

From the week commencing Monday 26 February.

My garden waste collection day hasn't changed, why do I have to put my bin out by 6.30am?

Our collections can start as early as 6.30am. Your day may not have changed but other collections on your round have which will affect your collection time. Don't miss a collection, always put your bin out by 6.30 am on your collection day, or the evening before.

With the garden waste day change I'm receiving fewer collections this year.

All residents will still receive 26 collections throughout the course of for the year. Even if your collection is moved by a week your collection is delayed or moved forward and not missed.

The longest time between collections is 9 days, if your collection is a Monday week 2 moving to a Friday week 1, you will have to wait 9 days for your collection. This is the longest delay scheduled. 

Your collections may be moving forward. The maximum day changes are if your collection has moved from a Friday week 1 to a Monday week 2. This means your collection will happen 9 days earlier than your previous scheduled collection. 

Week 1 is the same week as your Green General Waste bin.

Week 2 is the same week as your Black Recycling bin.

If my collection day has changed, when will I be notified?

Leaflets will be delivered by Monday 19 February.

I haven't been notified of a change, but my neighbour has. Am I affected?  

All residents who subscribe to the garden waste service will be sent a leaflet to confirm your collection day.

I need a large print version of the leaflet; how can I do this?

For the accessible versions of the calendars you can download them through ouraccessible bin collection calendars.

I need the leaflet in a different language, how can I do this?

You can request the leaflet in a different language by email  or by calling 0330 1099 220.

If my collection is missed collection, will you come back?

Please check that it is the right day for your bin to be collected. If it is the right day for your collection and we haven't taken your bin by the end of your collection day (6.00 pm) then please report check thebin announcement page before reporting a missed collection and follow the instruction on this page.

We will be recording bins which have not been put out for collection on our onboard computers and if your bin was not out for collection when the crew visited your we will not come back to collect until your next collection is due.

Please remember to place your bins out by 6.30am.

I cannot move my bin to put it out for collection due to disability or ill health and have help with my collections, will this be affected if my day changes?

If you are subscribed to our assisted collection service our teams will continue to collect your bin from its normal storage space, take it to the bin lorry for emptying, and then return it back to its storage space.

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Last modified on 22 July 2024