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Essential website maintenance for up to an hour between 10.00am Saturday 22 February and 1pm Sunday 23 February.

This may affect your ability to report problems with bins, pay for Garden waste, report fly-tipping and view aspects of My Breckland

Waste accumulation (build up of waste)

Waste accumulation is a term given to a build-up of waste, normally within the boundary of a business or residential premises, which is having, or will likely lead to a negative impact on the surrounding area.  This might include a neighbour who has stored a large amount of odorous rubbish in their garden, or a business who has failed to dispose of large volumes of packaging in a timely manner.

All residents and land owners have a duty of care to maintain their land to a reasonable standard.

Waste accumulation can often be mistaken for fly-tipping or neglected land. 

In this case, the owner/occupant of the site has normally knowingly contributed to the build-up of waste and has failed to manage the disposal or removal of the waste legitimately and within a reasonable timescale.

Waste accumulation does not necessarily include privately owned neglected land, such as a poorly maintained garden.

If you believe that someone has discarded waste without the knowledge of the landowner or occupant,please report it as a fly-tipping via our online form.

If you believe or are aware that waste is being disposed of illegally, or transported by an unlicensed carrier, please report it via the unlicensed waste carrier form.

Building sites, agricultural land and other 'live' sites are often identified as sites which regularly experience accumulation, but this is often relative to the ongoing activities within the site.Significant malpractice at these sites should be reported to the Environmental Agency (opens new window)

If you are being affected by a build-up of waste accumulation, first consider approaching the business or neighbour to advise them of the problem, if safe to do so. They may not be aware that the accumulation is affecting you. Customers who are tenants of housing associations can also report issues to their landlords. These may lead to the problem being resolved swiftly and informally.

If after talking to the business, neighbour or landlord hasn't worked, or if you do not wish to take your own private action, you can report the issue to the Council.

An officer will review the details that you provide, this needs to include images of the accumulation and will determine whether the accumulation presents as an offence.

Report waste accumulation online

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Last modified on 26 February 2024