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Essential website maintenance for up to an hour between 10.00am Saturday 22 February and 1pm Sunday 23 February.

This may affect your ability to report problems with bins, pay for Garden waste, report fly-tipping and view aspects of My Breckland

Will I need a licence for music entertainment?

Whether a licence is needed for music entertainment will depend on the circumstances.

A licence is not required to stage a performance of live music, or the playing of recorded music if:

  • it takes place between 08:00 and 23:00.
  • it takes place at an alcohol on-licensed premises.
  • the audience is no more than 500 people.

You also don't need a licence:

  • to put on unamplified live music at any place between the same hours.
  • to put on amplified live music at a workplace between the same hours and provided the audience is no more than 500 people.

Find out more about Entertainment Licensing on GOV.UK (opens new window).

We would strongly advise that you exercise common sense when arranging live music as complaints about excessive noise could result in conditions being attached to your Premises/Club Licence.

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Last modified on 14 May 2024