30/08/22: Discarded cigarette butt results in £100 fine

A man who discarded a partially extinguished cigarette from his car has been fined £100 by Breckland Council.
A member of Breckland Council's Environmental Enforcement team was working in Saham Toney at the time and witnessed the driver throw their cigarette butt onto a nearby grass verge. After making sure that the discarded cigarette was extinguished, the council officer then spoke to the driver directly, who eventually admitted to the offence. As a result, they were issued an 'on the spot' fixed penalty of £100 for littering.
Cllr Ian Sherwood, Breckland Council's Executive Member for Waste, Environmental Health, Licensing and Sustainability, commented: "Roadside and verge littering can turn our beautiful towns and villages into unsightly messes and it is completely unacceptable. In this case, especially with the exceptional weather conditions we have been experiencing, the partially lit cigarette could easily have posed a fire threat to residents and the local wildlife. Thanks to the vigilance of our council staff and their speedy intervention, the area was made safe and the culprit reminded of the dangers of disposing still-lit cigarettes."
Cllr Helen Crane, ward member for Saham Toney, added: "It really is disappointing to see littering taking place in our community. The quick action of the council's enforcement team and the resulting fine with hopefully deter the driver - and others - from littering again."
If you have noticed any littering in your area, you can report it on www.breckland.gov.uk/littering.