02/06/2023: Wildlife boost thanks to latest district council grant

Just in time for World Environment Day on 5 June, new bat, bird and owl boxes have been installed in Breckland to help the species to thrive, thanks to a grant from the local district council.
Etling Green Residents' Association (EGRA) have been awarded £500 from Breckland Council's Environmental Initiative Grant fund, money set aside to support schemes which protect and enhance the local environment.
The EGRA group help to manage, conserve, and protect Etling Green, a registered common with a right of public access and a Norfolk County Wildlife Site due to the presence of rare and protected flora and fauna.
As well as paying for the new animal boxes across the site the grant will also enable the sowing of new wildflower patches, a great habitat for a range of insects as well as promoting pollination.
Cllr Helen Crane, Breckland Council's Executive Member for Sustainability, said: "The installation of bat, bird and owl boxes will provide a safe space for protected species to nest, while the wildflower garden will also provide an excellent habitat for insects. This is part of our Breckland 2035 commitment to promote sustainability in the district and to work with local groups to enhance the environment."
Cllr Linda Monument, Cllr William Richmond and Cllr Alison Webb, Dereham Neatherd Ward Members, added: "Etling Green is an integral part of the community landscape and it is great to see the area receive funding to help further its conservation efforts."
Funding for this scheme comes from Breckland Council, in partnership with Serco. Gary Edwards, Senior Contract Manager for Serco Norfolk, added: "A total of £6,000 worth of these grants have now been shared across a diverse range of eight projects in Breckland. Schemes like those at Etling Green will benefit the environment and local communities for many years to come."
Breckland Council are committed to providing the funding needed to support communities and help businesses to thrive, building a Breckland where people want to live, work, and invest. You can find out more about this and other projects Breckland has supported at www.breckland.gov.uk/funding-map